2. Dermal fillers - treatment mid to lower face

2. Dermal fillers - treatment mid to lower face

Dermal fillers are used to add volume to the face

- used from the eyes down to the jaw line on the face.

Treatment areas include

  1. Tear trough region (under eyes sunken and dark)
  2. Cheek area for deflated cheeks
  3. Jawline for sharper and more defined jaw
  4. Chin and lower face for a stronger jawline and projection.
  5. Lip filler - we rarely suggest treatment, however happy to perform if clients request.

Treatment with Dermal filler:

How is it performed?

A syringe with 1ml of dermal filler - has numbing agent in it, very comfortable. We use both needle and cannula depending on the area.

What does it do?

Improve loss in volume causing sagging old looking skin to the mid and lower face. Facial rejuvenation looks natural creating a more youthful and fresh appearance.

How long does treatment take to perform?

Consult 15 - 30 mins, treatment may take 5 - 10 mins

Will anyone notice?

Dermal filler will look very natural, you will look rejuvenated and fresh.

Bruising may occur in the tear trough region, the is unlikely to occur on other areas.

How long does it take to work?

Yes results immediate, however best result take up to 4 weeks.

How long does it last?

Dermal filler has a longer half-life than anti-wrinkle treatments.

Dermal filler last approximately 1 - 2 years This is dependent on the persons metabolism.

Do I have to continue to get it done once started?

No dermal filler treatment last 1 - 2 years and slowly breaks down over this time.

Is Dermal filler treatment painful?

It is a sharp sting when getting the needle injected which lasts 2 seconds.

The dermal filler has numbing in the product to make it more comfortable.

We can use ice on the area before which helps dramatically, please ask for ice if its uncomfortable for you.

Is there any aftercare required?

No heavy exercise after treatment for 48 hours

Walking and work are ok after treatment.

Small red marks on the face from needles will settle within an hour.

Typically, no one will notice you have had treatment after injections

Avoid wearing a hat pressing on the forehead after treatment for the day.

Results are immediate after injections, may improve over 4-weeks.

Cost of Dermal filler treatment?

1. Tear trough 1ml $550

2. Cheek filler 1.2ml $500 / 2.4ml $900

3. Jawline filler 1.2ml $500 / 2.4ml $900

Men may require more product than women, therefore may require repeat treatment in one month.

This can be the result from a number of factors including a bigger facial shape and muscle structure compared with women.

Also, men’s metabolism is much faster therefore the product breaks down at a faster rate.

We offer a free follow up 2 weeks after treatment, when it is fully working.

Last of all, our aim is to keep all treatments looking natural. Yes, more men are coming in for treatments and it is becoming mainstream. But it’s important to us, that you look natural and rejuvenated.

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